Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, we earn a commission if you use these links & make a purchase. We only recommend items that we use & trust.

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Are you ready to start your own blog (or take your current one) and start making money from it?

Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to monetize your blog/website so that you can be making the money you desire and deserve.

Many Affiliate Marketers earn over six figures a year! With the right plan, you have the potential of doing the same. I’ll tell you about a great course called “Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing“, that has taught many how to earn with affiliate marketing later in this post.

But first….

What is Affiliate Marketing?

“Affiliate marketing is the process of earning a commission by promoting other people’s (or company’s) products. You find a product you like, promote it to others and earn a piece of the profit for each sale that you make.” ~ Pat Flynn, Smart Passive Income


Affiliate income is great because you can create a post or a review, and that post may earn you money years down the road with minimal work needed to maintain it.

You can also create your own affiliate program to promote and grow your business.


Work from Anywhere!

One of the best benefits of affiliate marketing is that you can do it from anywhere. As long as you have a loyal following (even if it’s a few people), a laptop, and an internet connection, you can grow your affiliate income well into the future.


How You Get Paid

The way affiliate links work is that when someone clicks on the referral link that you have received from an affiliate program (this will be a specific URL just for you or a coupon code that tracks the traffic you send to the company), you receive commissions when they complete a certain action. Then, you receive your commission payment either through check, PayPal, or whatever other method you and the affiliate program agree on.


Using Affiliate Marketing To Monetize Your Site


***VERY IMPORTANT Before you move ahead, please note that you must build your site on WordPress.org if you want to do affiliate marketing.

1. Choose a niche topic.

Ideally, it’ll be a topic you enjoy because you’ll be writing and talking about your topic often. For example, if you’re a parent and you enjoy discussing better parenting you might choose to create a parenting website.

You can choose a tighter niche if there’s a lot of competition in your industry. For example, organic parenting or parenting special needs children.


2. Register Your Domain Name

If you haven’t done so already, decide on a name (something easy to remember and spell) and register it through a domain registrar.


3. Sign up for Blue Host

This is where your WordPress.org site will be hosted

Sign up for Blue Host


4. Build Your WordPress.ORG site

For your guide to set up your WordPress site, Click Here.


5. Search online to find quality products and services you want to represent.

These products and services should be directly related to your website topic. If your topic is organic parenting, then the products and services you’re an affiliate for will be natural or healthy parenting items and services.

Most companies today do recognize the benefit of having affiliates promoting them online.

There are so many affiliate programs available. Some places to find these programs include:

  • Searching online
  • Affiliate Networks
  • Directly through the company
  • Asking companies and friends


Here are a few Affiliate Programs to Checkout:

  • Amazon Associates
  • ShareASale
  • CJ Affiliate
  • AWIN
  • Clickbank


Some of the products that you can promote:

  • Financial companies
  • Cellphone apps
  • Digital products, such as online courses, eBooks and more
  • One of the millions of items available on Amazon
  • Travel booking websites
  • Blog related products, such as website design, website hosting and more
  • Clothing
  • Home décor
  • Craft items
  • Outdoor gear such as bicycles, tents, backpacks and more


6. Add your content.

The next step is to make sure you have an abundance of quality and informative content on your website. Your primary value to any prospect or potential customer is to provide information. It’s how they’ll learn to trust your opinion.

Your content is what will bring them back to your website and it’s what will motivate them to click on your affiliate links and ads to make a purchase. Much of your content will also pre-sell the products and services you represent.

For example, you might write an article or a report on 15 ways to be a better parent. When relevant you might link to a product or service that you’re discussing.

Another example is, if you say that to be a better parent you should occasionally treat yourself to a night out and hire a babysitter, you might make the word babysitter a link to a website that helps parents find trustworthy babysitters. If your reader clicks through and makes a purchase, you earn a commission.

As you can see, content is perhaps the single most important aspect of being an affiliate marketer. You can provide content in the form of:

  • Articles
  • Reviews
  • Comparison charts
  • Videos
  • Reports
  • Online courses
  • Checklists
  • eBooks
  • Audio messages
  • Newsletters


7. Where to List Your Affiliate Products

  • One of the best ways to advertise your affiliate product is to create a “Resource or Recommendation” page on your site and list all the products that you use to run your business with the affiliate link. Use the Pretty Links plugin to shorten the URL link and, well, to make it prettier. It also keeps someone from changing your link and inserting their own.
  • Create images or use the banners that your affiliate program provides and place them on your side bar.
  • If your affiliate program allows, promote your product on social media and Pinterest. ***Not all programs allow this, so be sure to read the rules ad regulation. Amazon is one that DOES NOT allow promoting on social media or Pinterest.
  • Use your email list to send information about your affiliate products to your followers. My favorite and one of the best tools for email marketing is ConvertKit. To lean more and sign up, click here.


A final word about becoming an affiliate marketer

Always strive to provide the best for your website visitors. The best content, the best quality products and the best information. When they trust you, like you and value your information, they’ll click on your links and make purchases.



If you’d like to learn more about becoming a successful affiliate marketer, I highly recommend Michelle Schroeder-Gardener’s eCourse, Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing.

Michelle is a blogger and the creator of the Making Sense of Cents. She makes over six figures every month from her blog! She earns it through affiliate marketing on her site and from the sale of her course.

This course is easy to follow and covers EVERYTHING you need to know to become successful at affiliate marketing.


You owe it to yourself to invest in your business and your future!


To learn more about the affiliate marketing course ~ Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing, Click Here



Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing – course

Blue Host – WordPress.org Hosting

ConvertKit – Email Service Provider for email marketing

WordPress.org – Instructions for setup

Pretty Links  – Pretty Links is a plugin that allows you to easily implement URL shortening inside of WordPress.


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