simple strategies for pinterest success

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Simple Stategies For Pinterest Success

In case you haven’t already heard, like all other platforms, Pinterest changes their algorithm periodically. In the beginning of 2020, an algorithm change was made that drastically changed the way users pin.

It can almost feel a little overwhelming when trying to figure out some of the current pinning do’s and don’ts.


To Maximize Pinterest Traffic, Your Goal is to

Please the Algorithm!!!


You probably already knew that but trying to figure out how to do this might be a different story…


Here are 12 things you can do to get the Algorithm to notice and love you:

  1. Pin Your Content. Obviously, you want to pin your own content first. If you’re just getting started on Pinterest or you’re creating a new board and don’t have enough of your own content to fill it (you should have a minimum of 10 pins per board), pin other relevant content, but make sure it does not compete with your content.


  1. Create Fresh Pins. Pinterest loves fresh pins and tends to favor them! These are pins that contain images and URL that Pinterest has not seen in the past. You can (and should) create multiple “Fresh Pins” for each blog post or product listing – especially for your best performing posts. Each pin leading to the same URL must include a new image (or variation of the image already used), new text overlay and pin description. Make your pins eye catching, the text easy to read and use a couple of fonts combinations. If you don’t have the time to constantly create pins, use my done for you templates that you can edit in Canva. Click Here To Learn More.


  1. Add your Fresh Pin to your “Best Of” board first and scheduled it so that it is posted at optimum times. Use a scheduling tool such as Tailwind to do this.


  1. Repin only to your relevant boards and pin to no more than 10 boards total. Spread out the reposting times instead of re-pinning them all at the same time.


  1. Do not repin the same pin to the same board more than twice a year.


  1. Add at least 5 images per day.


  1. Always Schedule your pins. Tailwind is a great tool to use for scheduling. Not only does it use optimal timing to schedule your pin, but it will also keep track of the number of times you have repined content. Since Pinterest now frowns on repining the same content too many times, Tailwind will let you know if you’re over the limit. This will help avoid the risk of your pin being marked as spam.


  1. Your Pin Descriptions, as well as Pin Titles and Board Descriptions are very important. Use relevant keywords in natural sentences when writing your description. DO NOT start “keyword stuffing”. You are given 500 characters for your description but try to use the strongest keywords in the first 30 since this is what people will see in the feed.


  1. Include a call to action to encourage a click or a save.


  1. Include 2-4 relevant and specific hashtags.


  1. Create 5 new pins per content per week. Share them one per week rather than scheduling them all the same day.


  1. Keep all your boards relevant to your niche. If you have boards that do not add to your content, make them “Secret Boards”.


When it comes to Pinterest, the BEST use of your time is to be creating fresh, new, relevant content rather that the old method of re-pinning other people’s content. QUALITY OVER QUANTITY! The Pinterest Algorithm will pull up the best, most relevant and recent ideas first. To get more engagement and traffic, you must invest in pin creation to maximize the distribution of your content. Share less Duplicate Pins and offer more Fresh Content Pins!


Consistency is the Key to Success!


We know that consistency is the Key to Success, but it can be challenging when there are so many other responsibilities that are necessary to manage and grow your business.

For me, the best way to achieve consistency when it comes to my Pinterest and Instagram accounts is to use a scheduling tool. I’ve mentioned Tailwind a number of times in this post because that is the tool I use and Highly Recommend.

Tailwind is a tool approved  by Pinterest that allows you to schedule out your pins ahead of time, so you don’t have to constantly be spending time on the platform.

A few of my favorite Tailwind features include:

  • Tailwind’s Smart schedule to pin your content at the most optimized times.
  • Board Lists and interval scheduling to easily schedule out your content.
  • Board Insights is an analytic tool that gives you data about when the last time a board was pinned to, the engagement score and vitality score.
  • Easily Schedule from anywhere using Tailwind’s browser extension


Tailwind enables me to schedule content the moment I finish writing content or a few weeks in advance of the time I want to post it.

Set it and Forget it!

To learn more and to get your free trail of Tailwind, click here

Creating Multiple Pins for Each One of Your Posts is Key to Driving More Traffic to Your Website!

Having a selection of templates on hand  will speed up your content creation process and help you achieve brand consistency.

Checkout My Template Bundles (click on image)

collage of templates

Combining 2-3 different fonts on your pins will make them more noticeable.  

Here are a Few Examples Of Font Pairings:

font pairings