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Become a Freelance Writer

A freelance writer works on a self-employed basis and contract out their writing services to several different clients.

Their services include writing:

  • blog posts
  • website content
  • ghostwriting
  • newsletters
  • email campaigns
  • press releases
  • product descriptions and more.

If you love to write, this is a perfect side hustle/business for you.



In early 2014, Gina Horkey, founder of Horkey Handbook, began freelance writing. Here’s what she has to say.

 “I (Gina Horkey) didn’t even know that getting paid to write online was a thing. In fact, when I pictured professional writers, novelists and technical writers were the only types that came to mind.

I didn’t understand that people just like you and me were getting paid hundreds of dollars to write blog posts or sales copy for websites. Suffice it to say, at that time content marketing was NOT a word in my vocabulary…

(Don’t know what content marketing means? It’s basically using written content, like blog posts, case studies, white papers, email newsletter, ebooks, and sales copy to connect with a target market to offer solutions to their problems in the form of products and services.)

You mean I could get paid to write blog posts?

Without having to go back to school to get a journalism degree? Heck yeah, sign me up! 

I LOVED writing and was desperate for a career change, but as the breadwinner of our young family of four I was a bit leery. Could this new-fangled online business schtick really work for me?

Could it really replace my cushy and dependable salary in personal finance?

The only way I could find out was to give it a shot.

So, I did.

  • I started my business in May of 2014, secured my first client (and paycheck) within a month and hustled to keep building it from there.
  • Within six months I was earning $4,000 per month on the side of my full-time jobwith a baby and toddler in tow.
  • And within eight months of looking into this freelance writing thing, I had quit my job and left the 9-5 behind!

Was it scary? Heck yes!

But that’s why I started my business as a side hustle first to validate the concept. And that’s what I’d recommend that you do as well.


OR Maybe…

You’re just looking to pull in a little extra income into your household. The opportunity for you to make a living as a freelance writer has never been better.

  • According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the demand for writers and authors is expected to grow 6% from 2010 to 2020.
  • As of Jan 19, 2019, according to ZipRecruter, the average hourly pay for a Free Lance Writer in the United States is $31 an hour.
  • Their wages put them in the upper 75 percent of ALL writer salaries, which included those working for companies.

This high demand for writers means that you have the opportunity to earn significantly more as a freelancer.

In fact, YOU get to:

  • Determine your niche.
  • Set your own rates.
  • Create your own service offerings.
  • And grow by outsourcing work to independent contractors (if you want!).

Content marketing is HOW most businesses are marketing.  

Sure, you’ll still see billboards on the freeway, hear ads and endorsements on the radio, but this little platform we call the internet has opened up a whole new world when it comes to businesses connecting with their ideal customers.

And it works. 

But not all business owners like to write…

  • Some aren’t good at it.
  • Many don’t have time to do it.
  • Their business isn't large enough to have a writer on staff.
  • Or maybe they just prefer working with freelancers for the multitude of reasons- contracting is becoming the preferred way to do business.

Businesses need YOU!

These businesses need help from writers just like you, who can help them:

  • Bring their message to the masses.
  • Connect with their people.
  • And grow their businesses as a result!

Whatever their reason, they need help.

How can you get started?

If you love to write and have been thinking about taking steps to become a freelance writer, but you aren’t so sure how to get started. Gina offers a course that teaches you step-by-step how to use your skills and create your own Free Lance Writing business in 30 days.

To learn more about 30 Days or Less to Freelance  Writing Success CLICK HERE