Creating A New Mindset

Your mind is a powerful thing. When you fill it with positive thoughts, your life will start to change.” ~ Anonymous

If you are in a difficult situation financially, it can be very hard to focus on the positive. However, that’s exactly what you need to do to turn things around.


Here are a few things you can do to start Shifting To Abundance 

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 Remember…Today Is a New Day

Every morning we wake up is a clean slate for us if we allow it to be. Start by clearing away all shame, guilt and any other negative emotions you might have concerning your financial situation.

None of these feelings will do anything to improve things or bring you prosperity. In fact, all this negative energy will actually repel money. So do whatever you can to lift your thoughts and feelings to be more positive. You might tell yourself that it won’t be easy to do that. Why not switch it around and tell yourself that this time it will be easy? It’s an amazing fact that our minds so often believe our words.


Forgive Yourself & Others

Sometimes we find it harder to forgive ourselves than we do others. It’s time to let that go. Everyone makes mistakes, but beating yourself up over them won’t change the past and nor will it help things to be better in the future.

If others have contributed to your current financial struggles, forgive them too. If you find that difficult to do, remember that carrying around grudges will not help abundance to flow. It will just keep you stuck.  


Put Together a New Plan

This plan is not going to be just about the practical, it will also be one that heals your emotions and changes your money mindset so you can start attracting more money into your life. Allow yourself to be open and to find opportunities everywhere.

“We think so often that we are helpless. But we are not. We always have the power of our minds…Claim and Consciously use your Power.” ~Louise L Hay

 Embrace Your Gifts

We all have gifts and talents within us that can be the key to turning our financial situation around and bring so much abundance into our lives. You might think that you are lacking in this area, but I promise that you aren’t. Think about what you were good at or loved doing as a child. Think about what others say about you, do they recognize talents in you or always come to you because you know a lot about a subject?

Ideas are all around us. Sometimes we have just got out of the habit of acting on them. However, ideas can increase our income and improve the quality of our lives, as well as the lives of others.


Get Writing

Sit quietly and allow your strengths, desires, long forgotten dreams, as well as your new dreams, to be revealed. Don’t be afraid to think outside your comfort zone. Set a timer for 20 minutes and write down every idea that comes to mind. Write down every idea which could improve your life; bring in more income; or lead to a new way of doing things.

Don’t second guess any of these ideas during this time. Just write. Then look back over the list and let it speak to you for a few days. Keep the list somewhere you can refer to it often. Are you beginning to see a new vision for your life?


Set Your Goals

Start each day with quiet time for prayer, meditation, journaling and goal setting. Goals which are written down are much more likely to be achieved. Therefore, write your goals daily so they stay clear in your mind. You can then make adjustments, track your progress and stay focused so you can begin to live the life you’ve been dreaming of.

Are you being led to look for a new job; create a side hustle for extra income; or maybe even start your own business? Learn all you can about this new venture and the possibilities open to you.

What is your financial situation right now? If you don’t like it, change it. You can begin by following the steps outlined above so you can start acknowledging your dreams and then work towards your goals. Along the way the resources in this website can help you control your fears, improve your money mindset and make a plan to shift from lack to abundance.