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Start shifting to abundance by creating a monetized blog!

Creating a monetized blog is a great way to shift to financial abundance! The earning potential of a blogger is unlimited – depending on the amount of time and effort you are willing to invest. Time spent not only researching and writing your content but also constantly learning how to grow, improve, monetize and promote your blog.

Before starting my blog, but I spent quite a few months researching the topic, checking income reports of bloggers, looking at blogging styles, getting photos, exploring social media, learning how to monetize a blog, and the list goes on (not to mention getting the nerve to put my work out there!). There's always something new to learn and I want  to share this information with you.

I'm expecting my blog  to generate extra income so I can make the shift from barely making it to a place of abundance and financial freedom.

Does it happen overnight? Absolutely…NO! Is it Easy? NO, again! Is it worth it? YES, if you're willing to invest the time, effort, creativity and develop a strategic plan to succeed.

You have to be patient and not give up – no matter what. Believe me, there will be times when you ask yourself, “What are you thinking?!?!?!” But that will pass. And it feels really good when you finally figure out something that has had you stumped for a while.

You'll also know when it's time to delegate tasks to people who have the experience so you’ll be free to focus on other areas of your blog.


A Few Reasons for Starting A Blog: 

  • Generate extra income
  • Create a Business
  • To have fun
  • Teach and inspire others
  • Drive traffic to your products
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Promote your business or organization
  • It can lead to other business opportunities…

  Although it can take a bit of time to get your blog launched and established, it will be well worth the effort. Income generated from your blog can be “passive,” meaning it can be automated and is not directly correlated to the amount of time you put into it. 



Start your blog for as low as $3.95! Click here  


“It will work. Now that we've made that decision, let's start figuring out how.” ~Steve Jobs 

The Following Steps Will Help You Get Your Blog Started

#1. Choose Your Niche

The first step in starting your blog is to choose your niche. What are you good at, interested in or wanting to learn about to share with others? You may already have your topic chosen, but if you are unsure of what to blog about, here are a few suggestions:

  • Making money and Personal Finance
  • Food/Cooking
  • Starting and grow an online business
  • Lifestyle
  • Gardening
  • Personal Growth and Development
  • Inspiration and Motivation
  • How To’s
  • Technology
  • Crafting
  • Heath Coach
  • Life Coach


#2. Choose Your Domain Name

This part can be fun! Spend some time brainstorming. Come up with a few ideas for the name of your blog in case the one you want is already taken. If it is, you can add another word or your name to your original choice to make different or you can come go with something entirely different. Keep the following in mind when you’re deciding on a name:

  • Keep it short. The name for my other business, Back To Classic Designs, is too long and makes it difficult when telling it to others.
  • Make it easy to type.
  • Make it easy to remember.
  • Try to use keywords and make it relevant to your topic so people will find you when searching that topic.
  • Use the best domain extensions such as .com, .org, .net.
  • Research it. Make sure it’s not trademarked by anyone.
  • Make sure it’s available on social media.


#3. Register Your Domain and Set Up Web Hosting

I strongly recommend using WordPress.org rather than .com or other “free” web hosts. This is very important if you plan to monetize your blog and you should keep this option open even if you aren’t planning on doing that right now. You’ll save yourself the time and hassle down the road. There’s a reason free sites are free – they are very limited. I recommend BlueHost for your WordPress blog. You can also register your domain through BlueHost.  


#4. Purchase and Setup BlueHost

  • Go to BlueHost website.
  • Click “Get Started” Now.


  • Choose your plan. In my opinion, the basic plan is best choice for a beginner blog.
  • Choose Your Domain. This is the URL or address for your site. The preferred domain extention is a dot com, but the choice is entirely up to you.

  BlueHost will inform you if your domain is taken. If it is, that's not a problem, because you already have a list of backup names from the earlier exercise.

  • Fill in account information and choose your plan and billing cycle. The best price is the 36-month option, but you choose the option that you are most comfortable with.

  • Additional Add-On Options. These are OPTIONAL. Choose only the ones you feel you need.

  • Payment. Review your order and provide payment information.
  • Hit “Submit”. You will receive an email from BlueHost with instructions for logging into you BlueHost account.


 #5 Set up WordPress.org

  • Enter your Dashboard

  • Choose your theme. There are many themes to choose from. WordPress offers some that are free. I recently switched to the DIVI Themeand I couldn't be happier with it. I found it much easier to work in the front end of my site where I am able to see my work as I enter it rather than having to go back and forth between the dashboard and my site.
  • Click on Appearance and Add New

  • Click Upload theme

  • And/or Upload .zip file (you will receive this when you purchase your theme).

 CONGRATULATIONS!!! You’re on your way to building your blog that will begin generating money as you continue to learn, work and grow it. Be diligent and you will experience success!  


Start your own Profitable Blog now. Click here